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Choosing Legal Software

Choosing and then customising a practice management system is one of the most crucial decisions a firm will make. It can bring the most significant return on investment you will ever make in your firm if well implemented. 

Modern Web-Based Practice Management Systems 

While there are many axillary legal software- it all starts with the practice management system.

Actionstep Layout

System agnostic unbiased advice

We can help point the way.

Please speak to us when you are considering your planning management journey. 

Newlaw can help you choose the appropriate system for your firm, migrate data from your current system, implement the new system and train the legal professionals at your firm. 

Legal software is rarely 100% suitable for a firm out of the box. Legal software needs to be customised to be suitable at launch and to provide the foundation for future development.

Software providers have a simple goal - to sell you their product. Asking for their advice is analogous to asking a shark for the best swimming spots. The only staff you will generally speak to know a nominal amount about their product and even less about the competition. 

PMS - Practice Management System.

PMS for the core of the firm's software and is often a critical decision for a firm. 

Common systems - Clio, Mattero, Actionstep, Nebulaw, Infinity Law, Affinity Law, Practice Evolve, 3E, Adderant, among many others

DMS - Document Management System. 

Most PMS systems include a DMS, but for larger firms with complex document management, versioning, collation and security requirements, a Dedicated DMS system will need to be considered. Common system  - Netdocs, iManage. 

Edescovery - Dedicated software for processing huge data sets for discord during cases. 

Common products are - Relativity, Ringtail, Logikal. 

Misc/auxiliary/CONTrACT systems. 

Too numerous to mention, but many auxiliary systems exist to support a firm core technology stack.

e.g. HubSpot, lawVu, Zoho, saleforce etc. 

New Law is a law firm and system-agnostic provider. Our only obligation is to our clients. 

Our initial process involves understanding your requirements, assisting with software selection, and negotiating with the provider. 

We put together an end-to-end project reflecting your current and future requirements. We consider your current strengths preferred timelines, and migration requirements. Critically, we can train and onboard staff on the new systems and processes. 


Tested Ideas & Projects

We constantly test and innovate our ideas and establish best practices. 

People focused

We look  at everything we do from the end use and client perspective. 


Cyber Security is built into everything we do. It is not a matter of if but when.